翻译 | 栏目四第三组
审核 |鸽子
小编 | 毛毛
Van Cliburn
Piano man
How a young Texan pianist won the heart of Russia in the midst of the cold war
Oct 15th 2016 | From the print edition
2016.10.15 |纸质版
Moscow Nights: The Van Cliburn Story—How One Man and His Piano Transformed the Cold War. By Nigel Cliff. 哈珀出版社; 452 pages; $28.99. To be published in Britain in November; £20.
《莫斯科之夜:范·克莱本物语——一人一钢琴如何让冷战改观》作者 Nigel Cliff日本比赛中千叶港钢铁队逆转取胜,Harper ,452页日本比赛中千叶港钢铁队逆转取胜;售价28.99美元将于11月在英国上市,售价20英镑
ONE night in April 1958, the cold war was broken by a gap-toothed smile. The jury of the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow had reached a near-unanimous decision and the audience was going wild over the likely winner: a 23-year-old Texan called Van Cliburn. But Stalin was barely five years dead and no one was going to risk a spell in Siberia by awarding first prize to an American. So a nervous Emil Gilels, a pianist, was dispatched to see the minister of culture, and the minister went trembling to report to the Communist Party chief, Nikita Khrushchev, who was just back from reimposing Russian terror in Budapest.
1958年4月的一个夜晚,整个冷战都被这一露齿的笑容所粉碎。莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐大赛上一位23岁的德克萨斯州人——范·克莱本赢得了的近乎所有裁判委员们的一致肯定,观众们也都为这位即将取胜的冠军疯狂。但那时斯大林仅仅去世5年,没人愿意冒着被流放的西伯利亚的危险来将该奖颁给一个美国人。因此一位小提琴家埃米尔·吉尔利斯(Emil Gilels,)奉命小心翼翼地去拜访文化大臣,而这位大臣随后又胆战心惊地报告了刚刚从布达佩斯重申俄罗斯政权回来的共产党主席赫鲁晓夫。
Jury adj. 应急的,暂时的 n.(c) 陪审团,裁 判, 委员会
dispatch vt. 派遣,调度
reimpose vt. 重申,再强加
“We don’t know what to do,” bleated the minister, presenting the jury’s report.
“Is he the best?” Khrushchev demanded. “In that case, give him the first prize.”
The Soviet leader followed up with a beaming public bear-hug for the victorious Cliburn, who towered a head above the pudgy Khrushchev. In that historic freeze-frame, the cold-war ice cap began to melt.
bleat vi. 哭诉,轻声诉说
beaming adj. 喜气洋洋的,光亮的,愉快的
tower vi. 远远高于,远远超过
pudgy adj. 矮胖的,矮墩墩的
Nigel Cliff, a British journalist and one-time contributor to The Economist, has written a freshly sourced account of these momentous Moscow nights. He places them aptly at the heart of the nuclear conflict and poignantly in the personal odyssey of a lanky, gay pianist from a small prairie town who never wanted to do much except play Russian music. His mother, it was said, had once met Rachmaninoff.
随即奈杰尔·瑟夫(Nigel Cliff),一位曾经就职于《经济学人》的英国新闻记者,便以此为原型撰写了一篇文章,以一位瘦弱的同志钢琴师孤独的人生轨迹为线索,极为恰当并深刻地将人物与故事冲突编排于其中,这位钢琴师来自一个草原小镇,除了俄罗斯音乐他别无向往。书中还描述了钢琴师的母亲曾与拉克玛尼诺夫见过面。
Aptly:adv. 适宜地;适当地
Poignantly :adv. 深刻地;辛辣地;令人辛酸 地
Odyssey:n. 艰苦的跋涉;漫长而充满风险的 历程
Lanky:adj. 瘦长的
When the Soviet Union announced a contest that would demonstrate cultural and educational superiority over a decadent West, Cliburn was living in digs near Carnegie Hall, taking lessons with Rosina Lhevinne at the Juilliard School.He had always wanted to see Moscow and many other Westerners were too scared to go. The Russians rustled up two front-runners, Lev Vlassenko and Naum Shtarkman. The Chinese sent Liu Shikun. But from the moment Cliburn first played, the Moscow public took him to their hearts. He had a unique stage presence, at once languid and intense, projecting an almost papal serenity. No other pianist matched Cliburn’s poise or his physical appeal. The inimitable Sviatoslav Richter, a loner in the jury room, reportedly awarded him full marks for each round and zero to other contenders. In the streets of Moscow the winner was mobbed like a Hollywood star.
期待您的翻译。他一直想去看看许多西方人不敢去的莫斯科。俄罗斯找到两位领先者——列夫·拉斯科(Lev Vlassenko)和史塔克曼(NaumShtarkman)。中国则派刘诗昆前去。但是当克莱本首次弹奏时,他便征服了莫斯科听众们的心。他有自己独特的表演形式,突然地慵懒或激烈,投射出一种近似宗教般宁静。在自信或肢体语言的魅力方面,没有其他钢琴家可与克莱本相匹敌。无与伦比的斯维亚托斯拉夫·里赫特(Sviatoslav Richter),独自在陪审团的房间里,据说他的每轮比赛都是满分并且无任何竞争者。在莫斯科的街头,获胜者就好像好莱坞明星一样。
languid adj.慢悠悠的;慵懒的
jury room陪审员去密室;陪审团室;陪审室
His victory made headlines in New York, but it took two days for the State Department to wire official congratulations and even longer for President Eisenhower to respond. Returning home to a ticker-tapeparade, Cliburn insisted on being conducted in America by Kirill Kondrashin, a Russian, thus doing all he could to extend the cultural thaw, even as the Cuban crisis was growing.
他的成功登上了纽约的头条新闻,然而美国国务院却在两天后才正式地发文祝贺,艾森蒙威尔总统更是很久后才作出回应。(当他)回国时,举行了热烈的欢迎仪式,在美国克莱本仍坚持由一位俄罗斯人——Kirill Kondrashin的来向大众介绍自己,因此即使古巴的危机仍在恶化,他也倾尽所有促进文化的解冻。
ticker-tape n.(电报、电传机等用的)纸 带,(供欢迎名人时抛用的)彩色 纸带
thaw vi.解冻,融雪;变缓和;变得不冷淡
vt.使融化, n.融雪;温暖气候;放松
Cliburn enjoyed a life of glory, with a Texas piano competition endowed in his name and recordings that sold in millions. Arriving once in Washington, DC, without his concert wear, he borrowed tie and tails from a fellow Texan, Lyndon B. Johnson. Leaders of both powers vied for his attention. Spy agencies kept him under a wary eye. Cliburn returned to Moscow for the last time in 2011, two years before his death, to serve as honorary chairman of the Tchaikovsky piano competition. He did not vote for fear of harming another artist.
德克萨斯的一场钢琴比赛使克莱本一举成名,他因此享受着荣耀的生活,同时(他的)唱片也被销售了上百万张。(他)第一次到华盛顿时,没有演出的服装,于是他便向他的德克萨斯伙伴——林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B.Johnson)借了领带和燕尾服。两位相当有权威的领导人为他激烈的竞争。间谍机构对他进行秘密地监视。克莱本最后一次回到莫斯科,是他去世的前两年——2011年,(他)以一名光荣的柴可夫斯基钢琴大赛的主席身份返回。(在比赛中)他没有参与投票,因为他害怕伤害另一名艺术家。
endowed vt.捐赠,资助;赋予,赐予
tails n.尾部;(非正式)燕尾服;男子夜礼服; 钱币背面;硬币的背面;尾( tail的名词复 数 );燕尾服;尾随者
wary adj.谨慎的,小心翼翼的;警戒的,警惕 的
His fellow runners-upin 1958 all had to give up music. Vlassenko became a teacher, Shtarkman spent eight years in Soviet jails for homosexuality and Mr Liu was incarcerated for seven years during Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Cliburn knew that his glory was earned at the expense of his Moscow friends. Mr Cliff does well, despite some musical infelicities, to describe the big game of culture wars and Khrushchev’s capricious adventurism. Cliburn himself remains an enigma, even if his triumph was to show that music sometimes has the power to shape history.小情人
runners-up n.(竞赛中的)第二名,亚军( runner-up的名词复数 )
jails n.监狱( jail的名词复数 )
v.监禁,拘留( jail的第三人称单数 )
expense n.费用;花费的钱;消耗;花钱的东西
infelicities n.不恰当的言语( infelicity的名词复 数 );不幸
capricious adj.(态度或行为)反复无常的; 任性的
adventurism n.(外交、政治等方面的)冒 险主义
enigma n.谜,不可解的事物
triumph n.胜利;巨大的成就;(成功的)典范; (巨大成功或胜利的)心满意足
Try to translate
When the Soviet Union announced a contest that would demonstrate cultural and educational superiority over a decadent West, Cliburn was living in digs near Carnegie Hall, taking lessons with Rosina Lhevinne at the Juilliard School.
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